Friday, August 7, 2009

Bridezilla Goes To Jail !

Surprise, Surprise I was wondering how long it would be until a "Bridezilla" would get arrested. I watch Bridezilla's on WE and have often wished that some of these chicks would get arrested. Well one of the worse ones "I have seen" has been arrested.21 year old Karee Gibson was arrested after her episode of Bridezilla's aired last month. Apparently Ms. Bridezilla was on probation and when her probation officer saw this episode he had Ms. Gibson arrested and thrown in jail for two days.The episode appeared to show Gibson violating conditions of her probation — given for a 2005 assault with a baseball bat that sent a woman to the hospital for 12 staples to close a wound to her head. Court records state that Gibson thought the woman was involved with Damon Hart, then her boyfriend. She also served probation for a 2006 attack against Damon Hart, according to court records, in which she came after him with a potato peeler and tried to run him over with a car.Gibson is a wife, mother, and aspiring actress who says she thought her television appearance could help pay for her wedding.She says the reality show is not reality and her television appearance was scripted by producers.Gibson's attorney has filed an emergency petition for her release. I have to say I was lmao when I heard this. She got exactly what she deserved. I hope WE re-aires her episode,bahahahahahahaha! I will post the video if it hits you-tube.

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