Sunday, August 9, 2009

Bad Choices !

I recently discovered that I have made some bad choices. My bad choices are some of the people I have chosen to follow. I love twitter because it allows me to talk to people I normally wouldn't have a chance to talk to, but some of my recent followers are a bunch of foul mouths. Now I'm no prude, I curse on ocassion ,but the constant use of the words nigga, fucker and bitch are too much, even for me. I mean there are others words you can use or a variation of the word would be better.So I had to unfollow some of them. Oh yeah, lets not forget "the quoters", please give me a flipping break always with the quotes. I guess some people are so egotistical that they think they are enlighten "us". I have unfollowed some of them too! That's all I have to say . I just wanted to get it out of my system.

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