Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Wake Up People !

The US economy/dollar has been in a recession ever since President Nixon took us off of the gold standard, way back in 1971.The dollar has no true value, because it has nothing to back it(gold or silver) So, were basically playing with monopoly(fake) money. The rich will become poor, and the poor will become poorer. I suggest you invest in real assets such as gold & silver coins.It's a way to protect whatever wealth you have now. The US Constitution states that ONLY Gold & Silver is to be used as legal tender, not paper.The Government knows this. They know the dollar is falling, and gold is rising. That's explains all the commercials trying to buy your gold.That explains why China is telling their citizens to buy gold/silver in order to protect their wealth, in the demise of the dollar bill. Know it's a lot to take in. For more info, check out this book by author Michael Maloney titled "Guide to Investing In Gold & Silver."I tried to stay quiet about this, but my conscience wouldn't let me. Most people won't listen. It's cool. I gave you the game. It's all on you. This is from @followMcCoy ya'll need to follow him on twitter , I do!

1 comment:

sexiibutfun said...

I agree whole heartedly and although I am not muslim, there is a known fact regarding this very issue - floating through the knowledge base of their community.